8122 St. Jacobs-Logtown Rd. Lisbon, OH 44432 nocycamp@gmail.com

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Ways to support NOCYC

Donate Now

There is much that needs done at NOCYC and we need your help to do it. Much of the expenses of running camp come through electric, building maintenance and water bills. To donate to NOCYC and help us cover these running expenses, makes donations payable to NOCYC and mail them to NOCYC, 8122 St Jacobs Logtown Rd, Lisbon, OH 44432. Donations are tax deductible.


There is much work to be done at NOCYC, so if you have any free time and would like to volunteer to help us, please call Leroy Toothman at 330-429-6606.

Thank you!

Dear NOCYC Friends,

Did you know that January has 26 fun national holidays celebrating food? Some days this month actually have two foods to celebrate, like Strawberry Ice Cream & Bagels on January 15th. January 16th is National Nothing to Celebrate Day, set aside so we can have a break from celebrating this month. We celebrate everything from Green Juice (1/26) and Marzipan (1/12) to Hot Pastrami Sandwiches (1/15) and Sunday Supper (1/12).

I would like to propose that, as a camp, we recognize the many people who donate and prepare our food by celebrating them during this month. Somewhere between Fig Newton Day (1/16) and Hot Chocolate Day (1/31), let’s thank the people who help NOCYC provide the wonderful meals that you’ve come to love and fight to keep.

Food Donations:

  • Mary’s Pizza, Lisbon
  • Rosalie’s, Strasburg
  • Mo’s Pizza, Amsterdam
  • Ruritan Club, Lisbon
  • Carolyn Evans
  • Women at New Phila Church of Christ

Monetary Donations:

  • Columbiana Church of Christ
  • Hanoverton Church of Christ
  • Kent Church of Christ
  • National Road Church of Christ
  • New Phila Church of Christ
  • Orrville Church of Christ
  • Struthers Church of Christ

Kitchen Maintenance:

  • Our spring cleaning crew
  • Dick Mason
  • George Mackall
  • Jensen Cunningham
  • Terry Myers
  • Ryan Quillen

Our Angels of Mercy: Drop-in Support:

  • Meghan Hickerson & Lou Osborne
  • Diana Luyster & Logan Ryan
  • Felicia Ferrell
  • Freda Luyster
  • Marilyn Pryor
  • Patty West

Our Cooks:

  • Cindy & Jonah Wilson
  • Barb Gerber, Ashton Cunningham, & Peggy DuBois
  • Greg & Carolyn Evans
  • Brian & Deann Wallick
  • George Mackall
  • Noreen Leavers

Our Dining Hall Staff:
To the wonderful people who prep and clean before and after meals, you are so appreciated for taking on this work and volunteering to help ease the burden of the kitchen with the chores you take on during the week. You are much appreciated!!