8122 St. Jacobs-Logtown Rd. Lisbon, OH 44432 nocycamp@gmail.com

Our History

Our Beginning


Don and Francis Hill, our founders, attended a camp themselves called Camp Hill. Many years later, they had the idea to begin a Christian camp. They felt it was important for the generations that followed them to have a camp of their own.


Don and Francis met with a group led by Bob Manasco with the intention of beginning a Christian camp in northeastern Ohio. Their goal then, like our goal now, is to create a safe space for kids of all ages to learn about God and to make friends that will last them an eternity.

That year, they rented Great Trail Girl Scout Camp, near Minerva, and NOCYC was on its way. 


Throughout the following years, NOCYC was held at various campgrounds. Then, Don and Francis Hill decided to buy a farm near Lisbon and give forty acres to the camp. 

However, there was a lot of work to be done with the property to make it suitable for campers.

They had to build a road, get electricity to the property, drill a well, build a dining hall and kitchen, build a sewage disposal plant, construct ten cabins and assemble pavilions and bathhouses.

There were many challenges in the build, including a cave in on the first site of the dining hall due to a wet spring. However, volunteers worked long and hard to make the dream of NOCYC a reality.

Another one of NOCYC’s founders, Ted Waller, was in charge of construction of the cabins. And together under his leadership they were completed in time for camp.


NOCYC held it first year at its new campgrounds, thanks to all the hard work and dedication of all the men and women who volunteered of their time and money to make a dream come true.

Where we are today

Today our campground spans 47 acres and has grown from a few cabins and a dining hall to include over 20 cabins, 3 large pavilions, basketball and volleyball courts, baseball fields, and several bathhouses and a playground.

During the month of July each year it is home for a week for over 200 kids grades 3-12. The children are divided by the following age groups:

Senior Week (9th- 12th Grade)

Middle School Week (6th- 8th Grade)

Beginner’s Week (3rd- 5th Grade)

The purpose and vision behind camp now is the same as it was when it began in 1955:.

Dreams for NOCYC’s Future

We love camp and want it to continue to grow—but we need your help to do it!

We also have another major project that will need addressed in the coming years: We will need to replace our sewage disposal system. This will be a huge undertaking, but it’s one we cannot avoid.

We also would like to add a recreation center in the coming years.

There are also several other needs for the camp. If you are interested in what these are, or how you can help, please see the get involved tab at the top